Water. It is an incredibly essential part of our daily life. One cannot live without having water in their daily life. We need water in order to survive. The average person must drink at least a liter of water every day. A day cannot pass by without any person needing water. Be it for drinking, bathing, or sanitation. However, often we take water for granted especially during peaceful times when water is abundant. Almost all make the mistake thinking they can have access to water any time they want. We procrastinate and put off preparing possible access to water during emergencies.
Often, when we do prepare for emergencies or disasters, water is one of the last items we cross off on our list. This is a fatal mistake, as we might miss the last item off our list and ending up not having adequate water for our family’s needs. Just to be sure, if you are in the process of building your emergency kit follow these guidelines from ready.gov and RedCross.org. By taking some time now to prepare and store emergency food and water supply, you are making sure you can provide for the entire family.
Did you know that aside from shelter, water is the most valuable commodity and an immediate need in an emergency? Water is an integral element to survival and an important item in your emergency kit. You must have an emergency water purification process ready in the event of an emergency.
In most natural disasters and similar incidents, water that is safe for use and drinking might not be readily available as your community’s source of water may not be working or disrupted. There is great importance in preparing as lack of water can directly threaten not only the health of your family but the community as well. That is why you need to prepare a ready supply of water or have an emergency water purification plan and water filter on hand. As this would enable you to convert any source of water into something you and your family could use during an emergency.
Emergency Water Purification
Water is vital whether you are in an emergency or in a camping trip. In order to increase your chances of survival you need to be properly hydrated. If not properly hydrated coupled with lack of food can make you vulnerable and weaken your immune system, which is the one thing you should avoid at all cost in a disaster situation.
Emergency water purification is the process of removing contaminants from dirty water to produce drinking water that is fit for consumption and use. Many of these contaminants can be harmful and can potentially expose you and your family to water borne diseases. That is why the World Health Organization and the Red Cross recommends that aside from storing your water in food grade water storage containers for long-term use and have a water filter on hand.
Do you want to be fully prepared? At My Food Storage, we have just what you need! We have four varieties of water filter to suit every needs. We also have a selection storage kits in different sizes that are the best in the industry and offer top-notch protection ensuring you can have access to water anytime. So why wait? Keep your family safe. My Food Storage can help you prepare.
For more information on preparing and storing your emergency water supply, visit the My Food Storage website and go through their selection of top quality emergency water filter and storage kits.